Niestety polska Wikipedia milczy na temat IFIP. Informacje o International Federation for Information Processing będą więc pochodzić z wersji anglojęzycznej. Skąd ten wpis? Jestem “członkiem z wyboru” International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), Technical Committee TC3 Education, Working Group WG3.7 Information Technology in Educational Management. I jako ten członek mam obowiązek i przyjemność uczestniczyć co roku w konferencjach…

The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) is a global organisation for researchers and professionals working in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) to conduct research, develop standards and promote information sharing. Established in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO, IFIP is recognised by the United Nations and links some 50 national and international societies and academies of science with a total membership of over half a million professionals. IFIP is based in Laxenburg, Austria and is an international, non-governmental organisation that operates on a non-profit basis. IFIP’s activities are centered on its 13 Technical Committees, which are divided into Working Groups. These groups organise conferences and workshops, distribute technical papers and promote discussion and research outcomes. A full list of IFIP Technical Committees is listed below:
TC 1: Foundations of Computer Science
TC 2: Software:Theory and Practice
TC 3: Education
TC 5: Information Technology Applications
TC 6: Communication Systems
TC 7: System Modeling and Optimization
TC 8: Information Systems
TC 9: Relationship between Computers and Society
TC 10: Computer Systems Technology
TC 11: Security and Protection in Information Processing Systems
TC 12: Artificial Intelligence
TC 13: Human-Computer Interaction
TC 14: Entertainment Computing
The formation of TC3 Education, to deal with computers and education, was announced in 1962. Richard Buckingham of the University of London was appointed its first chairman and TC3 held its initial meeting in Paris in February 1964. The working groups of IFIP TC3 are:
WG 3.1 Informatics and Digital Technologies in School Education
WG 3.3 Research into Educational Applications of Information Technologies
WG 3.4 Professional and Vocational Education in ICT
WG 3.7 Information Technology in Educational Management

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